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Korean Restaurants

Free Prize Inside for Korean Restaurants

by Talal Nemeh

In today’s digital world, attention spans are shorter than a bulgogi cooking time. Traditional marketing tactics can feel like shouting into the void. Enter Seth Godin’s “Free Prize Inside,” a philosophy that flips the script on marketing. It’s not about blasting your message, but about offering unexpected value that captivates customers and fosters lasting connections.

So, how can a small business owner in Reston, like a local Korean restaurant, leverage this concept in their digital marketing campaign? Let’s explore some ideas, inspired by the delicious possibilities of Korean cuisine:

1. The Unexpected Recipe Bonus: People love exclusive content. Partner with a local food blogger to create a unique Korean recipe, only available to your email subscribers. This “free prize” adds value and incentivizes signups.

2. Gamify Your Loyalty Program: Move beyond basic points. Design a loyalty program with a gamified element, like collecting virtual kimchi points for discounts or exclusive menu items. This element of surprise and reward keeps customers engaged.


3. Host a Social Media Cooking Challenge: Spark user-generated content and brand awareness by hosting a Korean dish cooking challenge on Instagram or TikTok. Offer a free meal or merchandise as a prize for the most creative entry.

4. Surprise and Delight with Bonus Bites: Consider offering a small complimentary appetizer (like kimchi pancakes or fried dumplings) to first-time dine-in customers. This unexpected “free prize” creates a positive first impression and encourages them to return.

5. Partner with Local Businesses for Cross-Promotion: Collaborate with complementary businesses, like a local brewery or dessert shop, to offer combo deals or unique pairings. This widens your reach and introduces your cuisine to new audiences.

The Korean Restaurant Example in Action:

Imagine “Seoul Food Reston,” a local Korean restaurant, implementing these strategies:

  • They partner with “Reston Foodie” (replace with the actual name of the local food blogger) to create a “Spicy Bulgogi Burger” recipe, available only through email signup.
  • Their loyalty program lets customers “unlock” secret menu items as they collect “Kimchi Kredits.”
  • They run a #SeoulFoodChallenge on TikTok, encouraging users to film themselves making Korean dishes at home.
  • First-time dine-in customers receive a complimentary order of their signature kimchi pancakes.
  • They partner with “Reston Hops” brewery (replace with the actual name of the brewery) for a “Korean BBQ & Craft Beer Pairing” night.

By incorporating these “Free Prize Inside” tactics, Seoul Food Reston cuts through the digital noise, creates a buzz, and builds a loyal following – all while offering the delicious and unexpected flavors of Korean cuisine.

Remember, the key is to identify what your target audience values and surprise them with something delightful. With a little creativity, you can turn your small business in Reston into a beacon in the crowded digital landscape.

To learn more about the core principles of ‘Free Prize Inside,’ check out the book on Seth Godin’s website https://seths.store/free-prize-inside/

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