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Bidding on Value, Not Just Competition

Bidding on Value, Not Just Competition

by Talal Nemeh

In the bustling digital marketplace, Google Ads has long been a go-to platform for businesses seeking online visibility. However, a subtle yet powerful shift has occurred in how these ads operate, and it’s something every B2B business owner needs to understand.

The Old Way: A Bidding War

Traditionally, Google Ads functioned like an auction. If you wanted your ad to appear when someone searched for “barber shears” or “men’s grooming products,” you’d enter a bidding war against other businesses with the same goal. The highest bidder often won the most prominent placement.

While this system had its merits, it also had drawbacks:

  • Costly: Bidding wars could drive up advertising costs, especially for competitive keywords.
  • Focus on Volume: The emphasis was on getting the most clicks, not necessarily the most valuable clicks.
  • Less Predictable: Fluctuations in competitor bids made budgeting and forecasting difficult.

The New Way: Bidding on Value

Google Ads has evolved into a more sophisticated platform. Now, instead of simply bidding against each other, advertisers are essentially bidding on the value they believe a click will bring to their business. This is made possible through:

  • Conversion Tracking: Google Ads closely monitors what happens after someone clicks your ad. Do they make a purchase? Sign up for a newsletter? Request a demo? This data is used to determine the value of each conversion.
  • Smart Bidding Strategies: Google’s algorithms analyze your conversion data and automatically adjust your bids to maximize the value you get from your ad spend.

The B2B Advantage: Quality Over Quantity

For B2B businesses, this shift is a game-changer. Let’s consider a company that sells barber tools and supplies. Here’s how they can leverage value-based bidding:

  1. Define Conversion Value:
    • High Value: A barber shop owner who places a large order of shears, clippers, and styling products.
    • Medium Value: A salon manager who downloads a product catalog.
    • Low Value: A casual browser who simply visits the website.
  2. Set Up Conversion Tracking: Implement Google Ads conversion tracking to meticulously record the actions taken by website visitors after clicking an ad.
  3. Utilize Smart Bidding: Choose a bidding strategy like “Maximize Conversion Value” or “Target ROAS” (Return on Ad Spend). These strategies let Google’s AI optimize your bids based on the value you’ve assigned to different conversions.

Real-World Example

Imagine our barber supply company identifies that the average sale from a new customer is $500. Using value-based bidding, they might be willing to bid higher to attract clicks from salon owners or managers (likely to make larger purchases), while bidding less for clicks from casual browsers.

This approach allows them to:

  • Get More High-Value Customers: Focus on attracting clicks that are most likely to result in significant sales.
  • Control Costs: Avoid overspending on clicks that don’t generate revenue.
  • Predict Results: More accurately forecast advertising ROI based on historical conversion data.

The Bottom Line

By understanding and embracing value-based bidding in Google Ads, B2B businesses can refine their advertising strategies, attract higher-quality leads, and ultimately achieve greater success in the digital landscape.

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